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Dec 27, 202313 min read
How To Manage Alzheimer's Dementia
Alzheimer's dementia is a progressive neurological disorder that primarily affects cognitive function, including memory, thinking & behaviou

Dec 2, 20233 min read
From Goals To Reality, Your 18 Minute Daily Blueprint
Consistency is key!
With 18 minutes practice every day in a year you will see up to 95% improvement at any skill!
The 18-minute-a-day rule

Sep 28, 20238 min read
How To Unlock Longevity
The Cross-Legged Sit-To-Stand method is a powerful longevity prediction tool and is a vital function to determine physical ageing.

Jun 22, 20235 min read
Why You Need To Lose Weight To Stand Easily!
Maintaining a healthy weight not only has numerous health benefits but also enhances daily functional abilities, eg standing from the floor.

Jun 3, 20233 min read
Flexibility Matters To Combat Ageing
The Key Role Of Flexibility In Standing Up:
Flexibility training plays a crucial role in improving mobility, range of motion & functioning.

May 17, 20235 min read
Why You Need To Balance Train To Combat Ageing
Balance training is an effective way to improve confidence, strength, stability & mobility, which makes standing up from the floor easier.

Mar 8, 202310 min read
Amputee Physio Pilates NDIS Plan
I interviewed Louise to understand her challenges and how she became a self managed NDIS participant:
I chose an NDIA agency who assigned me

Dec 21, 20222 min read
You Need To Organise Your Schedule
How do I Organise My Schedule? Organise your calendar first. How to organise your calendar: Add annual commitments including special events

Dec 4, 20223 min read
Why You Need To Get Organised To Exercise
Get organised for success! It’s time to get organised! You’ve read my BLOGS & understood your why, defined your goal, embraced the power of

Nov 10, 20227 min read
Why Do You Need a Mentor?
Why you need a mentor. Why a mentor is important: If you’re feeling stuck, struggling to find motivation to move forwards alone, it’s time!

Oct 28, 20226 min read
You Need To Break Down Your Goals Into Manageable Pieces
Breaking down a goal into steps first. One important key to your success will be your ability to break down your goals into shorter-term and

Oct 14, 20224 min read
Why you need a new approach to motivate you to exercise!
How to motivate yourself to exercise and eat healthy? If you are bored or stuck, feel like giving up or can’t commit or follow through your

Sep 29, 20223 min read
Why You Need To Focus on Positive Thoughts to Create Positive Actions
Keep it positive! Does positive attract positive? Positive thoughts lead to positive actions, & self-affirming statements will help you

Sep 19, 20224 min read
Why You Need To Look For the Bigger Vision to Motivate You
Why you need to look for the bigger vision Look for the bigger picture. When you need to stay motivated, think of the bigger picture.

Sep 1, 20226 min read
Produce a Plan to Motivate You To Exercise
Once you have a goal in place, a plan is will take your vision and break down the steps you need to get it done. A goal without a plan, is a

Aug 19, 20224 min read
Why You Need To Create a Clear Vision to Motivate You
Why you need to create a clear vision for exercise motivation If you want to succeed, you must create a clear compelling vision

Aug 5, 20224 min read
Why Do You Need a Deadline To Motivate You?
Seize The Power of a Deadline Let’s focus in on the ’T’ in our SMART goal:Specific: What small step do you need to take when reaching a goal

May 10, 20224 min read
How we accessed our NDIS plan for Physio Pilates
I interviewed Michelle, mother of Kyana, an NDIS participant with autism.
This is Michelle’s kind sharing and insights to help other mums,
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