Are you struggling to get up off the floor?

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There are a few reasons for this including:
Decreased joint range as a result of arthritis or weight gain,
Decreased strength in legs and arm muscles,
Decreased core strength,
Decreased muscle flexibility,
Poor planning of the most efficient method to get up.
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Why is it so important to be able to get up off the floor easily?
1/ If you fall you need to be able to get yourself up independently if there is no one around or no furniture to pull yourself up on.
2/ You will have difficulty looking after your Grandchildren, cleaning, picking up low objects, including items dropped on the floor and will start to loose self confidence, self esteem and may feel awkward or embarrassed.
3/ If you are unable to get up off the floor there is are also a number of other day to day tasks which will also become increasingly difficult, if not already.
4/ The reasons for difficulty getting up off the floor will also start to impact your health detrimentally causing muscle wasting, weight gain, loss of bone density, joint stiffness and pain.
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What is the solution?
An assessment to work out which one or more than one of the above reasons are holding you back.
A regular exercise program practicing to train the areas of restriction.
Progressions of exercises until you are able to achieve your floor to stand goal.
Further regular practice to maintain your improvements and improve further to get up off the floor with ease.
Need help to get started?
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