Once you have a goal in place, a plan is will take your vision and break down the steps you need to get it done.
A goal without a plan, is just a dream.

Work out the best time of day for you, which may vary dependent on the season. Motivation to workout in winter is often harder as early morning workout motivation is harder when it’s dark and cold.
Move exercise from the bottom to the top of your priority list. If you can, get it done first as often motivation to workout after work is harder as our energy and willpower diminishes as we tire later in the day.
1. Find a challenge to join
You name it, there’s a challenge for it: Push up challenge, Pull up challenge, squat challenge, plank challenge, daily exercise challenge, couch to 5km challenge.
Since there are so many to choose from, you’ll have no problem finding multiple challenges to join and complete and your fitness will improve dramatically while your focus is on achieving the challenge you choose and commit to.

2. Set a date
Training for a race or special event can push you to get out of bed in the morning and get moving.
Find an event to train for that is a few months away so you have time to slowly build up your training so your body becomes fitter without injury from too fast a change in your bodies demands.
Commit to an event allowing time but providing motivation to push yourself, by signing up and paying the entry fee, then get to work.
3. Schedule your event and training sessions in your calendar
Decide what type of workouts you need do, for how long, and where. Then, spend 10 minutes planning your activity for the week ahead, slowly progressing week by week. Put it all on paper.
Having a daily routine that incorporates physical activity helps to promote regular exercise.
4. Make sure your workouts are balanced and incorporate all the necessary components to safely reach your goal.
For example if you are training for a running event you will require progressively building up your endurance by increasing distance, incorporate speed sessions to improve your speed, strength training to build muscle strength, pilates and or yoga sessions to improve your core strength, joint mobility and muscle flexibility to avoid injury from the added new stress on the joints and muscles from running.

Tips for early risers:
1. Get to bed early so you have at least 7-8 hours sleep and feel rested and recovered from your previous day. You should have had enough sleep to wake naturally and not need to rely on an alarm to wake you.
2. Sleep in your clothes
If setting your clothes out at night isn’t enough motivation, try wearing them to bed.
3. Put your alarm out of reach
If you’re a snoozer, you need to put your alarm clock on the other side of your room. This forces you to get up and out of bed. And, if you already have your clothes on, you’re halfway to your workout.
4. Organise a workout partner or trainer
Working out is a lot easier when you have a commitment to a friend, class or trainer. Instead of a coffee date head to a cycling class or run the trails instead and socialise at the same time. Plus, research shows that finding a fitness buddy increases the amount of exercise you do.

5. Listen to a podcast
Choose a podcast you’ve been wanting to listen to, and only cue it up when you’re working out. This gives you something to look forward to when a gym session doesn’t sound all that appealing.
Tips for midday exercisers:
1. Lunch break workout
Log off, get up, and get moving! Ask a co-worker to go for a walk or head to the gym for a quick lunchtime workout. You’re more likely to exercise if it’s a convenient part of your day.
2. Go beyond the gym
Exercise can happen just about anywhere, anytime. Each time you climb the stairs, do 25 squats. Balance on one leg while brushing your teeth or make calls while walking.
3. Mix it up
One workout plan can work temporarily, but it won’t work forever. To keep your motivation running at top speed, you need to change your workouts to progress. Make sure you include all fitness components, cardio, strength, mobility and flexibility.
4. Make sure to rest
Working out every day can take a toll on your body. If you like to exercise most, if not every day of the week, make sure one of those days is devoted to active rest. Too much exercise can lead to overtraining, which can leave you exhausted or injured and unable to exercise, which is demoralising and can prevent you achieving your goals.

Tips for an evening exerciser:
1. Exercise before you go home
Find a gym, track, or trail close to your work that you can head to before going home. Change your clothes at work and go immediately to your exercise destination.
2. Think in small increments
Sometimes the idea of exercising after a long day feels totally impossible. Rather than giving up before you even start, tell yourself that you’ll just get dressed and do a 10-minute warmup before you even think about going home. After you get moving, there’s a good chance you’ll want to keep going.
3. Do what you love
Exercising after work should give you an energy boost and help take your mind off of the day. Choosing activities and workouts that you enjoy and look forward to can help keep you motivated more often.
Weight Loss Tips:
1. Set small goals
When it comes to losing weight, small goals win out every time. Start with daily goals, then weekly goals, monthly goals, and finally, aim to hit your target.
2. Surround yourself with like-minded people
Losing weight is challenging and almost impossible if you surround yourself with people who have poor eating and exercise habits. To keep yourself on-track, choose your company wisely and interact with people who have similar goals.
3. Make your eating program work for you
If you’re constantly altering items on the menu or packing food so you can stick to your diet, then you might want to rethink the plan you’re on.
An “all or nothing” mentality doesn’t win out in the long run. Losing weight and keeping it off requires a lifestyle change that gives you the freedom to live without scheduling your day around a diet.
4. Always take a to-go container home
When dining out, ask the server to bring a to-go container with your meal. Immediately put half of the meal in the container and only eat what’s on your plate. Not only do you save calories, but you also have lunch ready to go for the next day.
Tips for healthy eating:
Once you start regular exercise you will feel more like eating healthily and drinking lots of water as the body and brain tells you what it needs.
Organisation Tips:
1. Meal prep one day a week
Choose one day each week to shop, prep and cook when you have plenty of time, perhaps own a Sunday. Cook at least two to three lunches and dinners for the week so you have healthy food ready when you’re busy during the woking week. Foods to include for on-the-go meals:
lean protein source
brown rice
sweet potatoes
Divide each meal into small containers so you can grab and go when heading out the door.
2. Focus on adding not taking away
Rather than getting rid of everything you think is unhealthy, shift your focus to adding food that might be missing from your day, such as fruits and veggies.

3. Try one new recipe a week
Choose one new healthy recipe to prepare that includes a lean protein source, vegetables, a complex carbohydrate and healthy fats.
4. Swap sugary drinks for flavoured water
Instead of soda, juice, and fizzy water with sugar try adding some natural flavours to plain water. For a refreshing and tasty drink, try adding one of these to your water:
When to work with a professional
Scheduling time with a Physiotherapist or trainer is beneficial for all fitness levels. If you’re new to exercise, working with a professional can get you started on the right track and keep you on track with correct progressions to make sure you achieve your goal. They can design a program tailored to your needs and observe you to make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly so you don’t get injured and make the most progress.
If you’re a seasoned exerciser, an experienced trainer can breathe some life into your current fitness routine, which will both challenge and motivate you to push past your current fitness levels.
Physiotherapists can also provide sport-specific training and specialised instruction for specific health conditions including chronic pain conditions and cancer rehab to make sure programs are suitable and safe, supporting your to reach your goals.

If your fitness plans include working with a Physiotherapist or personal trainer, make sure to look for trainers with credible certifications.
Finding the motivation to exercise starts with organising time within each day to make fitness a priority.
Addressing a fitness slump is a lot easier than you might think, especially if you have the tools and support you need to get back on track.
Do you need help to make your PLAN, and become motivated to GET STARTED?
Apply for our FREE physical assessment to see where you are now and receive your results broken down for you so you know what you need to focus and improve on, and can see how you progress, keeping to your PLAN to achieve your GOAL
Click the link above and GET STARTED with a PLAN to achieve your exercise GOALS
