How to become motivated to exercise?
Are you lacking motivation to exercise?
Are you wondering how do you get motivated?
Are you wondering how do you keep yourself motivated?
Are you struggling with depression and motivation to exercise?

Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits.
What are 10 key benefits of regular exercise?
Lower cholesterol levels.
Improved mental health.
Blood sugar control.
Blood pressure control.
Stronger muscles and bones.
Protected brain health.
Better sleep quality.
Improved sex drive.
Better work performance.
Healthy weight maintenance.
What to do if you are losing motivation for gym or have lost motivation to workout:
First understand your why!
Sometimes it's not so much the what or the how that matters, but your why? The purpose behind what you're doing. Being clear about what you're working for can give you the stimulus to stay on course. We make time for things we prioritise.
1/ Physically Where Am I Now?
Personally reflect on How YOU are feeling NOW?
Write it down.
Are you feeling tired and sluggish?
Do you have pain?
Do you feel stiff?
Is your function limited? What can’t you do or are you struggling to do currently?
How is your posture?
How is your flexibility?
How is your back, arm, leg and abdominal strength?

2/ Why am I feeling the way I am physically?
Personally reflect on WHY YOU are feeling the way you are?
Write it down.
Examples, (one, two or many may apply):
Permanent disability.
Post surgery restrictions.
Post cancer treatment effects.
Old injury you have been unable to recover from.
New injury.
Sitting too much.
Bad office setup causing poor spinal alignment for long periods.
Overtraining the wrong muscles and under training the stabilising and postural muscles.
Lack of confidence, shy, introverted. A tendency to shrink and hide causing poor posture placing strain on joints and muscles.
Weight gain putting extra pressure on your joints.
Genetic inheritance of poor postural or joint alignment. A trait passed down by parents/ grandparents.
Lack of exercise.
You CAN & NEED to break the cycle!
How to become motivated to exercise.....

3/. Why do you want to or need to change?
You need a strong motivator to change, become motivated to exercise, and stay motivated when it gets hard.
You have some motivation to be reading this in the first place.
Personally reflect on WHY YOU want to or NEED to change?
Write it down in BOLD letters, stick it on your fridge and pin board, record it in your journal, add it as a screen saver.
A few examples:
Chronic ongoing pain affecting your mood, function and relationships.
Chronic fatigue affecting function.
Disability related joint and muscle changes.
Worried and self conscious as noticing your posture getting worse with age.
Spinal discs shrinking and hardening so eventually you cannot move fluidly or correct your posture.
Weight gain.
Lack of exercise due to pain and/or postural changes affecting and leading to problems and pain in other joints and muscles:
Shoulder pain,
Shoulder blade aches and pains,
Upper Limb pins and needles and numbness,
Lower back pain,
Hip and knee pain.
8. Lack of exercise and poor posture compromising internal organs including the lungs.
The ribs don't move as they should which means the lungs cannot fully expand.
This leads to:
Shortness of breath,
Decreased exercise tolerance,
Decreased oxygen to the brain, making it harder to concentrate and problem solve.
Write down at least 3 reasons why you NEED TO exercise and stick them on your fridge, pin board, wall, screen saver on your phone/laptop/computer, to remind yourself constantly.
Remember, motivation starts within.
We need to find it, keep it and make it work for us.
Are you unsure how to become motivated to exercise & need help to GET YOU STARTED?
Apply for an app with our FREE physical assessment to see where you are currently at, with your results broken down for you
Click the link above and see you inside

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