Let’s set an exciting goal together! A goal above and beyond your WILDEST dreams!
This endless possibility is there for all of us. We just need someone to inspire us and walk beside us, leading the way through all our doubts!
I became a Physio at the age of 21 after studying Physiotherapy as an afterthought, having given up my tennis scholarship in the US, and being unsure what to do that excited me after the sadness of giving up my childhood dream.

I had an interest in Physio after I frequently had Sports Physio as a child, but I was unaware of the amazing scope of the career. I remember at my University interview being asked what type of Physiotherapist I would like to become and replying, ‘A Sports Physio’. The lecturer who was a neurology Physio replied that this was a very boring and minuscule part of what Physiotherapists do.
Physiotherapy has turned out to be a life journey for me and provided me with ongoing learning, challenge and fulfilment throughout all my personal changes and maturity. It still excites me every day and I feel blessed to be able to help so many amazing humans with the knowledge and experience I have grown with. It still brings me to tears when I help someone to feel better, achieve their goals and improve their relationships and the lives of those close to them.
I loved being able to use my knowledge and skills to help those struggling, from hereditary conditions, to accidents, spinal and brain injuries, burns and amputees.
In my final year at university I arranged an elective in psychiatry, which proved an unusual choice, when most chose the more glamorous Sports Physio elective. My boyfriend at the time, had lived a childhood with his single mother, who was schizophrenic and I wanted to understand and help more.
I grew up the youngest child of parents who suffered the loss of their little boy as a baby, who tragically sustained severe brain damage through an accident at birth.
Their second child, my older sister, suffered with an undiagnosed heart condition and with regular episodes of oxygen deprivation, also suffered brain damage. Eventually she had life saving open heart surgery and recovered, but had some permanent coordination and muscle control deficits, in addition to decreased heart and lung capacity, causing breathlessness, susceptibility to recurrent infections and resulting difficulty with participating in exercise and sport.

My sister who was 16 months older than me, had many struggles at school. Our parents chose a protected, small private girls school for my sister and decided I should go also.
My memories of school cross country days were my sister walking round the oval at the back, breathing heavily while others, including me ran painlessly.

To make it even harder I always got selected to represent our school in cross country championships even when I didn’t try, as I didn’t enjoy these competitions against other schools. We would run in the English winter, through mud, ice and snow and I remember being pelted with stones from jealous children from other schools, as our school was expensive and we would have to put up with verbal and physical abuse from other school kids, when we showed up in our team colours.
As adults I found a passion for running for both mental and physical health and I trained for and competed in half marathons and marathons, as I loved to goal set and see how far I could push myself.
When I returned to England to visit my family in my early 30’s, after living in other counties for 10 years and having gone through a difficult end to a long term relationship, I was running daily to manage my stress and heartache, and for some reason my sister decided to run also.

She slowly increased her distance and entered the London marathon, to my amazement! She started running with a blind runner to help to guide her. After being turned down for several years she finally secured a place, in this pinnacle of every runners dream. She went on to run the London marathon twice, the Edinburgh marathon and told me this year, 10 years after her last marathon, she is once again running the London marathon at the age of 51, and with a chronic lung condition causing recurrent coughing at rest, related to the organ damage sustained as a baby.

My sister and I are alike in our love of running, the peace, the rhythm, the love for the beauty of the outdoors, being alone in nature with just the sound of breathing and footsteps, like a moving meditation. The discipline and excitement of achieving such a tough goal out of reach for so many! My sister aimed high and reached that goal 3 times already, against the odds. It was hard for me, so much harder for her!

My mum sadly lost her own mother at the age of 13 and took over her mother’s role, caring for her brother, sister and father, when not away at boarding school.
Mum always made everything look easy when I was growing up! She worked full time as a prep teacher, much loved by all the children she taught. She was an amazing cook, she baked, she cleaned, she gardened. We always had the most beautiful garden and home grown vegetable patch. She made all our own clothes and would dress my sister and I in matching dresses, like twins. I would then get my sister’s dress handed down to me when she grew out of it. She knitted our jumpers, so we would all match when we went sailing, my dad in blue, mum in pink, my sister and I in red. I would ‘loose’ mine down the back of my chest of drawers so I didn’t have to match!
Mum also studied for her degree part time, while working full time and caring for us. We never ate out and never had a cleaner. My mum and dad even constructed our dingy we used to sail in! It wasn’t until I had my own family I wondered how it was possible to do all of this? I couldn’t keep up with half of these tasks and still sleep!
My mum’s perfectionist tendencies and personal tragedies lead to mental health challenges. She was diagnosed with cancer and had major surgery in 2006. She recovered with her usual strength and regained her fitness, returning to running and competitive club tennis.
14 years after I graduated, with my Physiotherapy degree, with experience in many areas of practice, including in different countries, the UK, US and Australia, I finally fulfilled my dream of running my own business, fulfilling my vision.
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I couldn't bare the idea of leaving her in day care while I worked long hours in a clinical private practice.
When she was born I had specialised for 8 years in Pilates based rehab programs, as my passion was specific exercise to assist with chronic pain and conditions.

I wanted to work my own hours and provide long, quality rehabilitative exercise sessions in small groups with amazing support.
I started my studio from the lower level in my home, in Brisbane, in my dream, natural studio space, designed by my architect husband, with natural lighting and airflow and a connection to nature, looking out into a beautiful garden and trees. I worked just a few hours a week initially, putting lots of energy, my heart and soul, into every person I worked with.

I began working with online clients after developing my online programs and videos in 2020, due to lockdowns, when my formally successful, face to face studio business waned.
Initially the idea was to assist my existing clients who were too worried to come in person. I then decided to develop purely online programs to increase my reach to people worldwide.

I launched online with a few free 5 day challenges to assist people with postural and chronic pain stuck at home working with no access to Physio due to lock downs. These challenges were well received with lots of people finding relief and signing up to work 1 on 1 online with me with personalised programs for chronic conditions. These clients were very successful with life changing results and continued to sign up with me for the whole year after initially signing up for 3 months. I still speak with them and advise them regularly.
Click below for a FREE Online Assessment to work out what YOU need to focus on to get you started:
I am now reaching out to those with the greatest need, who I love working with, both those who can attend in person and online, including post cancer and NDIS clients in Australia, who have funding for services, including Physio, but often are unsure how Physio can help to make massive changes and achieve life changing goals.
My goal with my work with NDIS and cancer rehab clients is to aim and shoot higher. Why do so many goals not get reached? We goal set them way too low!
Let’s set an exciting goal together! A goal above and beyond your WILDEST dreams!

This endless possibility is there for all of us. We just need someone to inspire us and walk beside us, leading the way through all our doubts!
Our bodies and minds are incredible! You can feel this feeling too. Walk on clouds, feel invincible! Make the everyday dramas and challenges small and easy to manage.
Are you ready? Time to let go of excuses? Live bigger and better, breathe and experience the life we were all meant to feel.
Unsure where to start?
Click below for a FREE Online Assessment to work out what YOU need to focus on to get you started:
Assessment NDIS Starter program: https://www.endphysio.com/ndisstarter
Assessment Cancer Rehab Starter Program: https://www.endphysio.com/start

Related Terms:
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