I’ve noticed more and more mothers and daughters are exercising together recently.

Why should you do mother and daughter exercise?
The crucial bond between mother and daughter has never been greater than in our current times after going through lock downs, uncertainty and stress. I think we have all discovered what’s really most important and that’s our families. They were the ones there for us at a time when everyone else and everything else was no longer a possibility. They are the one constant in our lives and need to be nurtured and treasured.
In these post lock down times mother and daughter bonding has gone from finding at home activities to do together, including cooking, baking, craft, sewing, gardening and our all important mother daughter exercise routine, to mum and daughter exercise outside the home, with many mums and daughters taking mother and daughter pilates, mother and daughter yoga classes and mother and daughter fitness classes together.
I have several mum and daughter Physio clients who attend together regularly, both pre teens, teens and adult daughters with their mums.
They include mums with daughters who are attending for post surgical rehab, NDIS participants, daughters supporting mothers with their post cancer rehab and mums and daughters supporting one another with chronic pain and mental health challenges.

The mother daughter bond is so important at all times in life, through change and growth for both mum and daughter. The special bond between mother and daughter makes mother and daughter workouts a wonderful experience for the instructor. Mum and daughter pilates classes are my favourite classes to teach. It is so interesting seeing the similarities due to genetics in terms of flexibility and strengths and also the differences due to the effects of particular interests, sports and hobbies and ageing. I love witnessing a mother daughter bond in class and seeing the support for each others health and wellbeing, growth and achievements of goals, celebrated together.

Taking the time to do weekly mother daughter workouts together creates a wonderful routine of shared time and experience and mums and daughters get to connect and chat on the way to and from the classes and often set time aside before or after class for breakfast or lunch to have the all important one on one time for connection between mother and daughter without husbands, dads, brothers, other siblings and distractions.
Even though in mum and daughter yoga there’s little or no talking in class due to focus on breath and concentration on movement there’s that beautiful, unmissable bond of mother and daughter moving and connecting side by side on the mat, offering supportive, encouraging glances and smiles.

My 14 year old daughter and I and have experienced the importance of a bond between mother and daughter.
My daughter talks about her own friends and frequently notices a lack of bond between daughter and mother.
A mother and daughters bond is as important, or more important, now than when our daughters were little, as they are going through so many confusing changes in the teenage years and need to feel listened to, supported and understood. Our daughters peers are their main support and influence in the teenage years and they benefit greatly from the support and advice from someone they can trust, with experience and knowledge, having gone through these difficult changes and life’s challenges themselves.

Mother daughter exercise and sharing a healthy lifestyle are a fantastic way of nurturing the mum and daughter bond. Mother daughter yoga classes and mum and daughter pilates classes are perfect bonding with daughter opportunities. Having that booked in, committed time together at least once a week is of enormous value, beyond exercising independently.
Simply a regular walk in the park, on the beach, or along the river, a jog, dancing together or mother daughter yoga all help to build the bond between a mother and daughter.
For me exercising together has increased the enjoyment as I always ran and attended gym or yoga classes alone. Not only is it more fun, it’s great to see my daughter growing and thriving, a picture of youth and health. Her energy is infectious and its so lovely to be able to share this precious time together taking care of our physical and mental health together.
If more mums and daughters exercise together I feel communication and trust improve and there are less secrets, more sharing and less feeling of being shut out, which is so hard for many mums of teenage girls. It can be a worrying and stressful time. Releasing those endorphins together will build a happier, more fulfilling better relationship for both your futures, through the pre teen, teen years and beyond.
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Related Terms:
mom and daughter bond
bond between mom and daughter
mom and daughter workout
mom daughter workouts
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mom and daughter yoga
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